The quicker today ends the better 

I am having a serious bum of a day right now  I guess it was fine, I just wish it would have been better. Enjoy a broken up, rambling post. Apologies.  Have been SO tired all day, so so tired and struggling. It makes work harder and life harder and being happy harder.  Here is…

I’m too tired to think of a proper title 

I do normally try with my titles - to think of something funny or interesting or relevant, but this morning having already been up for an hour (it's now 7.45) and already at the station waiting to fight for a seat on the train; and I just can't be bothered. I am so tired. And…

Back to my natural stalking ground…the hospital

Hi all, hope you are well!  I have no drama to fill you in on, no big change; just my daily life - me living my life with crohns. (My phone just autocorrected that to "loving" my life with crohns - the irony!) .  I am currently still working in London (on my morning train…


I know I just posted...but...HOW EXCITING. Thank you to all you crazy people who keep on reading what I am writing.  It makes this feel more worthwhile 🙂 

Soppy sap alert

I write enough negative posts, and am quick to turn to this blog when I am sad or something has gone wrong. But I also have so many happy parts of my life, but I am often too excited to write when they are going on!  Anyway just don't my hunira injection and say here…